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Документален филм за кампанията FASTHEROES в Южна Бразилия

Този документален филм е разработен в училище в щата Санта Катарина, където записахме повече от 400 деца, които вече са готови да спасят своите герои.
Екип ANGELS 9 юни 2022

Още истории като тази


First Angels Day in Malaysia

Malaysia's first-ever Angels Day in Kuala Lumpur successfully fostered collaboration, shared knowledge, and set a clear strategy for advancing stroke care across the region.

Eight thousand heroes and counting

In northeast Brazil, the Angels team took the FAST Heroes campaign to some of the country’s most vulnerable communities and came away inspired. Here they share their experience.

Greater than stroke

Community awareness was the focus during October when the Angels team in Vietnam co-hosted two high-profile events at a leading center for stroke treatment in Ho Chi Minh City.
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